Garford Multi Section Robocrop Guided Hoe

Garford Multi Section Robocrop Guided Hoe

Posted on: November 6th 2019    •    Posted in: Company News

Garford can provide products to cater for those on single bed drilling practices, with a triple bed, triple section inter row hoe. With the use of the famous Robocrop guidance system with high accuracy and high output per day, Garford have the ability to use three independent guidance systems working separately to guide your machine down the inter row of your crop. With using triple cameras, triple side shifts of either 30 cm or 50 cm movement across one tool bar. Allowing each side shift to be working differently to the next with the drills movement and crop establishment. With machine stability for 8 – 10 mm accuracy, easy adjust tine frames for crop establishment or altering crop configurations Garford provide the ease to achieve this.
With using a mechanical weeding method over herbicide application allows not only for weed control but also aeration, drainage and breaks the soil cap for further crop establishment. The Garford Robocrop triple section is aimed at those growing on a single bed drilling system, to achieve higher output per day to keep crop cleaner for longer.

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